
Organized by:

Faculty of Computer Science And Information Systems
Wroclaw University of Technology
Research Alliance on K-Economy

In cooperation with:

Nguyen Tat Thanh University

Call For Papers

Submission DEADLINE is 15 October 2012.
Submission DEADLINE has been extended to 5 Nov. 2012.

Proceedings to be published by the LNAI Springer (indexed by DBLP, EI, Scopus, and Thomson ISI).

Papers are invited on but not limited to the following track. Suggested special sessions and topics are also welcome.

The scope of the conference includes, but not limited to, the following topics:

1. Intelligent Information Systems:

Artificial intelligence, Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Information technologies and measurement, Intelligent optimization techniques, Intelligent techniques in Bioinformatics, Computational Intelligence, Intelligent Internet Systems, Intelligent Software Systems, Intelligent Energy Systems, Game and Decision Theories, Planning, Neurocomputers, Parallel Computation, Robotics and Autonomous Robots, Automation Systems and Control, Ontologies and Information Sharing, Development and management of heterogeneous knowledge bases, Computational Nanotechnology.

2. Intelligent Database Systems:

Database management technologies, Heterogeneous and distributed databases, Mobile databases, Temporal databases, Active and dynamic databases, Semi-structured and XML-able database systems, Object-relational DBMS, Data inconsistency processing, Data conflict solving, Method engineering and meta-modeling, Objected-oriented database systems, Unified Modeling Language and unified processes, Data warehousing and data mining, Database models and query languages, Database security and integrity, Database support for virtual teams and mobile collaboration, E-business and m-commerce models and architectures, Empirical software engineering, Enterprise systems and supply chain integration, Extreme modeling and extreme programming, Information retrieval systems, Intelligent information systems, Information modeling and requirements engineering.

3. Tools and Applications:

Collaborative Learning, Collaborative Systems and Applications, Simulation systems, Speech and Natural Language Processing, Artificial social systems, Autonomic computing, Case studies and reports on deployments, Computational infrastructures, Information retrieval, Web services and semantic web, E-learning systems, E-institutions, E-commerce, E-finance.

ACIIDS will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Monday 18 March until Wednesday 20 March 2013. The conference is hosted by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and jointly organised by Wroclaw University of Technology and National Taichung University of Education.

ACIIDS 2013 is using EDAS for submission, paper processing and registration, authors need to:

Kindly promote ACIIDS 2013 to all your contacts in your university, country and worldwide.

ACIIDS 2012 is promising to be a great conference and offers an excellent opportunity to network with world specialists and forge new friendships and cooperation with colleagues in Asia, Europe and worldwide.

A selected number of high quality papers will be invited for possible inclusion in special issues of the following prestigious international journals:

  1. Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence (EI, Scopus, DBLP) published by Springer

  2. International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems (EI, DBLP, Scopus, Inspec) published by Inderscience

Best regards and hope to see you at ACIIDS 2013!!

On behalf of
ACIIDS 2013 conference chairs.

Contact Person:

Event Manager
Professional Development Unit
School of Professional and Continuing Education
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Tel : +607 5218170 / 8159
Email: | |

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