Keynote Speaker

Director General , Department of Irrigation and Drainage,
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia
Title of the speech : "Effective Implementation Of Integrated Water Resources Management In Malaysia."

Dato Ir Husaini Sulaiman obtained his first degree in Civil Engineering from Loughborough United Kingdom in 1978 and Master degree from Leuven Belgium in Irrigation Engineering in 1986. He served various designation in the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) started as an Engineer (1986-1988), state DID Melaka director (1988-1990), DID Selangor deputy director (1990-1996), DID Johor deputy director (1996-1999), National Hydraulic Research Institute Malaysia (NAHRIM) as head of hydraulic Engineering (1999-2002), Project Engineer for Malaysian Multimedia Super Corridor (2002-2003), DID state Negeri Sembilan director (2003-2006), DID Headquarters as a deputy director general (2006-2007) and currently, he is a Director General for DID Headquarters.

Title of the speech : "Flood Risk Management in A Changing World: Assessing The Impacts Of Land Use and Climate Change"

Howard Wheater is a Professor of Hydrology at Imperial College and Director of the Imperial College Environment Forum. He is a past-President of the British Hydrological Society, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, and a life member of the International Water Academy (Oslo). He has a wide international experience of flood, water resource and water quality studies, including the Middle East, Far East, Africa and South America, and was recently awarded the Prince Sultan bib Abdulaziz International Prize for Water. His scientific output includes 200 refereed papers and 7 books.He is co-Chair of UNESCO's GWADI arid zone water resources programme and a member of the GEWEX scienctific steering group of the World Climate Research Programme. In the UK he is Chair of HYDRA, a water science consortium of universities and research institutes, and currenly leads a national research programme in Flood Risk Management.

Title of the speech : "Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources: Vulnerabilities and Management Adaptation"

Mohammad Karamouz is a Professor of Water Resources Engineering at School of Civil Engineering, Fanni College, University of Tehran. He is now affiliated wıth Polytechnic Unıversity of New York University ın New York City as a Research Professor. He is also Fellow of American Society of Civil Engineers. He obtained his PhD in Hydraulic and System Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette. He served as Visiting Professor of Water Resources at University of Arizona, Tucson, served as Dean and Professor of Civil Engineering at Pratt Institute Brooklyn, New York. His academic research projects mainly related to decision support system, decision making in water resources, optimal management of water quantity and quality, drought management strategy, reservoir operation and flood control. Professor Karamouz serves nationally and internationally as a consultant.

Title of the speech : "Climate Change Impacts on Extreme Hydrological Processes"

He obtained his PhD in Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Montreal, Canada. He is endowed Brace Professor Chair in Civil Engineering. Professor Nguyen's teaching and research contributions have been mostly in the areas of hydrology and water resources management. More specifically, his teaching duty in the past several years includes: hydrology, water resources management, systems analysis, statistics and stochastic processes. His research experience includes: modelling and simulation of hydrologic processes, modelling of urban storm drainage and river basin systems, and multi-purpose reservoir systems operation and management. He has been involved in a number of projects with various engineering companies in Canada.


Organized By:

With the collaboration of:

Department Irrigation & Drainage (DID)

National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM)

Langkawi Development Authority (LADA)
Supported By:

Humid Tropics Centre
Kuala Lumpur (HTCKL)

International Association of Hydraulic Engineering  & Research (IAHR)

United Nations Education Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

International Hydrological Programme (IHP)

Malaysian Hydrological Society
Tourism Malaysia
Langkawi Geopark